Saturday, November 17, 2012


I have so many stories stuck in my head that I forgot to share this one from my first week I volunteered.   On Thursday (11/8)  A woman walked in to Borough hall said she was a massage therapist.  She too had been hit by the storm.  She wanted to donate her time to help others (this is the same awesome story I hear each day!)   She brought her massage chair.  I know they led her to a room to set up.  Gigi was the first to get a massage.  I remember seeing her an hour later and thought she looked like a different woman!  I saw the lines of worry and strain relaxed.  She had color in her cheeks - energy was flowing through her again. 

I didn't see the massage therapist til early evening -  about 4 hours after she walked in the door.  I was struck by her kindness to others.  Her compassion towards strangers.  I know that day she helped pick up many volunteers that were struggling with their own loss and lack of sleep.  She showed up again that week. 

Thank you for your kindness to an awesome town!  Thank you for pushing forward on your path to help others.  That is what we are all here to do  - when we help others we are helping ourselves because we are all one.

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