Thursday, March 21, 2013

Little Angel

Still moving through my days in a fog.  Waking up to a cool sunny day then BOOM it hits you - my mom is no longer here on earth.  I had forgiven and cut through lots of childhood and adult crap that we give and take from our parents before my mom died.  My mom and I spoke at holidays, birthdays etc.  I last talked to her on my birthday in February. 

My doxie Sidney was very sick the week my mom died.  I had to rush her to the emergency room.  She never came home.  We said goodbye to her late Friday March 15th.  Needless to say I have been in a sort of foggy funk on and off since.  I miss Sidney in the morning when she could not wait for her food to be placed on the floor so she would jump and bark.  Our other doxie Cody just sits patiently waiting.  She did not like being quiet (kind of like my daughter!)   Sidney would alert us when someone was at the door or if a loud car drove by.  Sidney was pushy and bossy for being only 12lbs.  She never knew that she was not a big dog!  She chased squirels, foxes, rabbits, birds, chipmunks and a coyote.

I love you little angel.  I miss your smelly corn chip toes!

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