Thursday, February 28, 2013


It has been 4 months since Hurricane Sandy.  There are still families waiting to hear from their insurance company to see if they can afford to rebuild or if they have to relocate.  There are many families living in trailers, hotels, the upstairs of their homes and in friends home.  Families in Union Beach are still relying on the kindness of their neighbors, friends and extended families.

I met Sandy last November.  We worked keeping the toilet paper, paper towels, towels, socks etc. in order.  I worked with the best group of people and laughed all the time.  Sandy always had a great joke to share or just the right words to bring smiles to everyone!  As the weeks passed I learned Sandy used worked in the local high school as a truant officer.  I was touched by how she remembered so many students that are now adults with their own kids.  Sandy, her sister Vera and many of her high school classmates were volunteers.  They have known each other for more than 45yrs!  How cool is that.

Sandy and the other ladies are still volunteering helping their town.  I was blessed to meet and work these amazing ladies.  You all ROCK!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Andy and the guys!

There is still a need in Union Beach.  As the town is demolishing homes each day there is a need for supplies.  When there are supplies they need to be delivered so Andy, Tom, Bill, Larry and the rest of the guys help.  It's a dirty job that gets done each day.  They take lumber etc. and load it into the containers for storage.  They work outside and don't complain about the cold, rain or snow.   Someone need to be on duty for deliveries that arrive each day. 

As the months have passed (over 3mths) since the hurricane the town is still a mess.  There are still hundreds of houses that have condemned stickers on their front doors waiting to be torn down.  There are houses still sitting waiting for a decision from insurance, FEMA etc.  There are still families that do not know if they can afford to stay in town. 

For the families that are rebuilding on their own they go to borough hall and get on a list for appliances, furniture, drywall, wood etc.  When their name comes up Andy and the guys help them with their supplies.  It's such a nice thing these guys do each day.  Some are retired.  Some work nights.  But they all are angels human form!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Union Beach Walk of Hope

Union Beach had a huge turn out for their Walk of Hope.  About 1100 people participated in the walk.  They were let down streets (starting at the beachfront by police, fire and rescue squad vehicles) past their neighbors damaged homes and lots where there used to be homes.  There is still debris on the roads and in the marsh areas of town.  It looks like the town was in a war.  There are still families living in their homes with no heat. Families that live on the second floor while their first floor is completely gutted.  And many families that live in trailers next to their condemned homes. 

The one thing I noticed as people walked by was their hope.  They were smiling and laughing with friends old and new and swapping horror stories about their insurance companies.  But they were hopeful that they would be  back in their own homes.  I watched as the town walked by and couldn't help crying.  These are my friends that I met that were walking zombies the first few weeks after the storm.  They came to borough hall for supplies when they were covered in mud because the town was still under water.  As each week passed I saw their faces change.  As they came to grips with what had happened they started to slowly move towards rebuilding.  They begin to wear their own clothes not borrowed and foraged clothing.  There was eletricity for heat and showers - spirits lifted.

On the walk I saw a sea of blue.  Blue is Union Beaches color.  Blue is usually associated with being sad.  In Union Beach it is the color of HOPE!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Billy the Artist!

There have been many unsung heroes in the town of Union Beach, NJ.  Many anonymous people that have given money, food and supplies.  After the Walk of Hope a New York City artist gave his time and his clothing line to town residents.  He spent hours signing autographs, taking pictures and listening to stories of the storm.  He was very kind to the town.  Billy gave hats, scarfs, gloves and headbands with his own unique artwork on them!  He reminded me of a leprechaun with his energy, smile and his red hair that was peeking out of his hat!!

I spent time with other volunteers (including my daughter) matching hats, scarves and gloves for kids and adults!  The pile of donated items shrank as we laughed and swapped colored items between us.  I hadn't planned on volunteering just going for a walk with my friends.  I got to borough hall and realized that help was needed so we jumped in.  I got to see more familiar faces that I missed at the walk.  It was such an amazing day! 

I love when everyone is working for one goal.  Smiles on the beautiful faces in Union Beach!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Furniture Looking for a Good Home

Since the storm in late October 2012.   Families have been very slowly moving back to UB.  They are still hoping to totally rebuild their homes and this awesome town!  One day at a time.  That is the theme.

One day a stranger in a truck or van will drop lightly used furniture on the side of Borough Hall.  The residents know that it is a first come first serve kind of deal.  So you will see people drive by on their way to work, school and errands to see what kind of furniture is out.  The outside guys make sure it does not get wet or soggy by tarping it in bad weather.  The guys will also help to put it in your car or help deliver it to your home.  I was working the desk one day when a mom came in all excited asking if anyone had claimed the dressers outside?!  We told her no and she was so happy to have something to put her kids clothes in .  They were living with laundry baskets for dressers.   Again something you don't think about being really important in the grand scheme-as a mom I can say that routine with kids and having their own things in their own space is important.

I am glad there are still generous people in this world that would take the time to drop off a piece or two of their belongings for someone else to adopt!