Friday, February 1, 2013

Furniture Looking for a Good Home

Since the storm in late October 2012.   Families have been very slowly moving back to UB.  They are still hoping to totally rebuild their homes and this awesome town!  One day at a time.  That is the theme.

One day a stranger in a truck or van will drop lightly used furniture on the side of Borough Hall.  The residents know that it is a first come first serve kind of deal.  So you will see people drive by on their way to work, school and errands to see what kind of furniture is out.  The outside guys make sure it does not get wet or soggy by tarping it in bad weather.  The guys will also help to put it in your car or help deliver it to your home.  I was working the desk one day when a mom came in all excited asking if anyone had claimed the dressers outside?!  We told her no and she was so happy to have something to put her kids clothes in .  They were living with laundry baskets for dressers.   Again something you don't think about being really important in the grand scheme-as a mom I can say that routine with kids and having their own things in their own space is important.

I am glad there are still generous people in this world that would take the time to drop off a piece or two of their belongings for someone else to adopt!

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