Saturday, December 22, 2012

Almost Christmas??

Okay can someone please tell me how it jumped from the 10th to the 22nd?  I know we all have been busy working, volunteering and getting ready for Santa's big day!  In my house we have a birthday - my youngest, Hunter, had a birthday on the 21st.  He informed me I'm getting old because he turned 20.  20. 20. 20.  It still hasn't soaked in.  I still remember the day he was born.  That was a busy Christmas we got home Christmas Eve and still managed to have Christmas at home and at my parents house (30 family and friends.) 

I have been busy working since the 10th.  I helped wrap gifts with the R.A.I.N.E. Foundation 2 days this week so they could be delivered to the families before Christmas.  I met some awesome volunteers working 12 hours a day to help families in need!

I was also helping to serve food at Borough Hall then running to wrap gifts.  Such a fun time of the year.  I am that 12yr old that is excited for my gifts from Santa (yes I still believe) and sharing time with my family oh yeah and the great food.  My mom only baked cookies at Christmas.  They were awesome.

I celebrated Christmas with my kids on Wednesday night (12/20) when my oldest was home for 3 days.  Spencer arrived early Weds. morning.  We had a nice breakfast together and caught up on everything that had happened in the last month!  Then Spencer, Taylor and I headed to Union Beach to see what was goin on. 

I drove through town to check on my friends progress and to see the homes that had been demolished this week.  I know 2 families that homes are now piles of bricks, wood etc.  It's been a hard week for them.  They have warm places to stay for the holidays but their homes are no longer.  No longer located on front street.  Most of the homes were washed away - one is still in the marsh a football field away from it's foundation.  The families are beginning to  realize that they will have to rebuild and have to rely on the kindness of strangers to help them.   I know they will be ok because they have hope.


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