Wednesday, December 26, 2012


I showed up to Borough Hall election day November 6th.  That was 8 days after Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey.  My power was finally turned on 6 days after the storm.  So I set out to find Union Beach after I threw everything in my fridge and freezers in the garbage.  I find my way and park in the mud across from the police station side of the hall.  I noticed a man dressed warmly stopping traffic for people crossing.  He was wearing a heavy construction one piece coat/pants thingy and a hat.  He smiled at me as he let me cross.  I worked til late that night and noticed the man was still directing traffic in the dark.  No flashlight.

The second day I was in Union Beach I went to my car to get something and noticed the traffic guy was still helping people cross - he still had no flashlight and it was getting dark.  I asked him if he needed anything.  He said a flashlight!!  I went into the supplies area and asked if we had any flashlights. . . needless to say we did not.  Most of town was still without electricity.  Candles and flashlights were in high demand with the towns people.  I went up to an EMT and asked him if he knew where I could find a flashlight.  I was surprised to see him taking the one off of his chest that he used.  (this is how the whole town operates!)  I told him it was for the guy directing traffic and he said no problem.  I went out and met the awesome guy directing traffic and handed him the flashlight.  He said his name was Charlie.  I asked him if he lived in Union Beach - he said he grew up here but now lives in Aberdeen.  He was fighting back tears when he spoke of his town.  Wow!  Pulled back to town because of a terrible storm.  I found out he started directing traffic soon after the food and clothing donations stated showing up. 

As the days passed by there were really cold days when the guys working outside needed hats and gloves and then we had a few very mild days when everyone took off their coats and sweatshirts.  We had rain and snow. . . it didn't matter the weather because Charlie showed up.  Like a postman rain or shine!  He always had a hug for me and a big smile telling me about all of the awesome donations that were coming in.  Charlie directed traffic so people could cross the street safely, load their food and supplies into their cars and kept everyone safe when donations were being dropped off.  He didn't take weekends off like I did.  He pushed through each day to make sure everyone was safe.  I remember 10 days after I showed up he still had his flashlight that was given without being expected to be returned to that awesome EMT.  Charlie has some long hard days - especially when the tractor trailers came and had to be unloaded but he managed to keep drivers happy and pedestrians safe. 

I looked forward to his hugs and kind words.  I was touched by his strong connection to the town.  Everyone knew Charlie.  The guys that worked outside moving donations and supplies were like family that all joked with Charlie.  What an awesome guy - like sunshine on a cloudy day!!  Then one day about a month after the storm hit Union Beach Charlie wasn't there.  He had obligations at home and other jobs to get back to.  He told me that basketball was starting up and he looked forward to that each year - he was a coach. 

There are some awesome volunteers that work in Union Beach, NJ.   I am so happy to have met Charlie.   He always put a smile on my face!


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