Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Keep moving!!

I can't tell you how much fun I have in Union Beach. . . my friends ask isn't it depressing seeing all the houses that have been destroyed?  Seeing the people all down and depressed?  I say no way!

 What I see is a town that has so much potential to come back from a devastating storm.  They are making steps towards rebuilding their homes and ultimately the town.  Mom's are still coming in for pantry items - things to put in their kids lunches and what not.  The sad faces are now smiling and have stories of recovery to share!  Now there are storage containers across the street that contain building material so there are cars and trucks lined up for supplies on a larger scale.  Homes are nearing the clean out and clear out and move on to rebuilding and restoring.  There are still families living with no heat.  There are still families living on their second floor with no kitchens or laundry machines. They are still managing to get up each day and move forward.  To make progress each day no matter how small it seems. 

We are still feeding quite a few people a day.  Along with the towns folk there are many many volunteers helping rebuild.  There is a huge crowd of awesome guys from Canada.  They are funny because 39' weather is warm for them!!  I love how they come in covered in mud and dirt!  They eat like teenage boys - bottomless pits!  I'm cooking lots of fried rice and saurkraut with kielbasa tonight for dinner tomorrow! 

I also have class tonight recovering 2 chairs that were damaged in the flooding after the hurricane.  Fun and games not really any learning just playing!  I must go buy fabric to finish them.  So I'm off!!

Sending love to my family and friends in Union Beach.  As usual I MISS YOU ALL!!

Katy Perry - Firework!!

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