Sunday, November 25, 2012

New Eyes

Spent another day volunteering at the vision center!  I saw many faces that were in shock the first week I was in UB.  This week they were smiling and in need of glasses.  Something you don't think about when you are 15 blocks from the water. . . all of the sudden the water is in your home and you run for the car with your kids and pets. 

I met the nicest man that was in line to get glasses and we asked if he lost glasses in the storm (he was wearing glasses) he said he was wearing his wives glasses.  They were sharing a single pair of glasses for 3 weeks!  That has gotta be love.  They took turns wearing them so the other could go to work, run errands etc.  Wow!!

My most favorite glasses story happened Friday afternoon.  I was approached by a young boy (8yrs) asked me if I remembered him!  He was excited and so filled with joy - Vincent told me his family was still living upstairs because his downstairs is torn up waiting to be rebuilt.  I did remember him and his little brother Charles - I met them and their awesome mom on my 3rd day in UB.  I helped carry their supplies to their car.  I gave and received hugs from them.  They gave me a special gift that day. 

Vincent told us that he had started school the Monday before and was having trouble seeing the board.  He had left his glasses in his old school and they got washed away and was there anyway we could give him new glasses before Monday!  I laughed and told him he told me 2 weeks ago that he didn't like to read - although I noticed the first day we met he was reading my t-shirt!  Vincent, his mom and brother when into the mobile vision center to have his eyes tested.  He came out smiling and said that it was not as bad as he thought it was going to be!  Twenty minutes after he came out of the center he was handed his new glasses.  He had the biggest smile on his face as he was thanking everyone for their help (this is a such a smart, sweet gentle soul professing his thankfulness!) and told us how he was looking forward to school on Monday even though it was in a different school with the same teacher.  About 2 minutes later Vincent ran back to the center to ask if his glasses are supposed to slip down his nose when he looked down. . . he went into the center to have his glasses adjusted! 

A lot of the towns people were wearing their "back up" glasses that were several years old.   Some were using their prescription sunglasses till they could get replacements.   We met some that have been wearing their 2 week contacts for more that 3 weeks. . . they were put in the front of the line to be seen by the doctor and given glasses after their exams.  Of course there were some prescriptions that had to be sent out with a 2 week turn around.  I was amazed by how many patients the doctor could accommodate each day.  What a blessing to have these professionals come and share their gifts to help each other.

Just a reminder that some of these families are still homeless. . . with the holidays upon us we can all make a difference.  It starts with one heart filled with LOVE!

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