Thursday, November 29, 2012

Food and building supplies

Wednesday when I walked in to the pantry I was surprised to see so many different supplies.  There are more what I call "men" supplies.  Paint, drop cloths, outdoor tools etc.  I overheard there was going to be drywall available for families that were not covered by insurance to get their homes put back together.  Awesome idea because so many are in need of walls now that their homes have been torn down to the studs. 

There are still "mom" supplies - food, diapers and cleaning supplies.  I saw more families that I had seen in the previous weeks.  I found some have their homes ready to rebuild.  I did talk to a mom of 3 that is still living in a hotel because home was condemned.   She was picking up supplies for her kids lunches.  They have no way to cook so they are eating at friends homes but are still forced to eat out more than they would like to.  She had no idea when they would be back in their home.   I helped her get her supplies and hugged as she left.

We have had so many generous people and resturants donating food for the locals and volunteers.  When I arrived they were putting out lunch. . . someone had made 50 grilled cheese sandwiches!   Anthony's (Keansburg, NJ)  sent pizzas, pasta, roast beef and gravy and chicken parm!  Wow, I am blown away by the continued generousity of everyone!  I know the locals still rely on a hot meal that is served in borough hall.  The first week we were serving between 1200 and 1500 a day!  Now it is around 600 a day.  There are still lots of homes that have no heat or kitchen appliances (let alone a kitchen.) 

I met an awesome 20 something woman that is now homeless, carless and was not working for 3 weeks due to no power at her job.  She is living from paycheck to paycheck.  She was paying her bills, rent etc before the storm.  Now she is living with her ex-boyfriend - he lent her money to buy a car.  She has been forced to live in a difficult situation in order to survive.  I know she is working now but she has no way of re-couping her lost 3 weeks of wages.  She is an honest hard working woman doing the right thing and then a hurricane comes along and pushes her off her feet.  She is slowly gaining a solid ground but she feels like the problems are too large to overcome.  I told her she is not alone and that she must keep moving forward in order to rebuild her life.  As we shopped she said she no longer can be that carefree young woman that can go to dinner and hangout with her friends.  There is no money.  Let me tell you she does not want handouts - that is just temporary - she needs a hand-up.  As we hugged and said goodbye we both had tears in our eyes.  I realized she is my daughters age.  That could be my daughter or my 2 sons.  I quickly thank God that it is not.  She is now in my prayers for Union Beach.

It is time for us all to wake up and help each other.  I can not go to stores where people are throwing money away for Christmas gifts.  Gifts that mean nothing in the big picture.  I feel depressed when I am forced to drive by a mall.  All those misguided people thinking that gifts and things will make others happy.  How about love and kindness towards our fellow human beings. 

When you are decorating your Christmas tree this year, pray for others that don't have their family ornaments (they were washed away.)  When you are decorating your home and lawn, pray for those that will not have the luxury of a roof over their head.  When you are baking cookies remember there are thousands that were hit by the hurricane that will not have kitchens to bake their grandmothers recipes that have been passed down. . . most lost all those recipe cards with heirloom recipes. 

Be thankful for what you have.  Love your kids- tell them how much you love them.  Tell your spouse (even if you don't always get along) how blessed you are to be in each others lives.  Tell your friends thank you for being you. 

Remember what is really important this time of year - Love

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