Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Little Borough That Could

I saw a story about Union Beach, NJ when I googled storm damage from hurricane Sandy  New Jersey.  That was October 30th at McDonald's in Flemington, NJ.  We did not know the extent of the storm for quite a few days.  My family and I sat in the dark and bonded over silly word games.  We went to bed early and rose early.   My borough was without power for a week so we  would check email and charge phones @ the library.  Each day I would see a story or picture of Union Beach.   By the third day it hit my radar I knew I needed to go and volunteer. 

As I drove towards my destination I did not know what I was going to find.  I only new it was where I was supposed to be.  I found directions to Borough Hall hoping I could find where to go.  When I arrived there were cars everywhere.  I parked and walked toward the building and realized this was their makeshift food pantry along with where you could obtain information about FEMA, eat a hot meal and vote (it was election day 2012)  I saw men outside putting together metal shelving units.  I saw piles of boxes and trash waiting to be picked up. I saw people sitting on benches eating hot soup. I saw someone stopping traffic for pedestrians.  I saw cars, trucks and busses delivering donations.  I saw kids to seniors helping one another.  I saw people going to vote.  I saw smiling faces ready to help anyone in need.   

As I waited for a job I watched the tables of food, batteries, cleaning supplies etc.  turned into tall shelves covered with canned/dried foods, personal items, pet food, baby items, paper plates/cups and clean-up supplies.  It was very chaotic and still evolving into a food pantry.  In the eye of the storm I saw heroes that lost their homes, cars and businesses.  I call them heroes because they did not let their own loss stop them from helping others.  I don't think there was one home in the almost 2 square miles that was spared.  A wall of water over 5ft high rushed in late Monday night that pushed, shoved and soaked everything in its path.  The wind was blowing over 100mph when the storm hit land.  I heard people say the wind was between 120 and 150mph.  I just couldn't comprehend the speed. 

My first job was to empty the trash cans.  Funny because I don't do this at home it's my husband and sons job.  I emptied trash cans inside and out of the building with another volunteer.  We did not complain - we did what we were asked.  After that job I helped families pick out and carry their items that they needed.  Some needed to tell their story.  Others just wanted to pick up much needed food/supplies and leave.  I carried bags out to their cars.  Before they drove off I gave them a hug. 

The day was long and filled with many jobs.  I made so many new friends that first day - I knew I would return the next day.  

I am so blessed to be placed on the same path as these everyday heroes.  Heroes that you never read about because they are only following their hearts and doing what we were all placed on this planet to do LOVE ONE ANOTHER.

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