Saturday, November 10, 2012

Pile of Things

a pile of things
An outsider might see this picture and think that it is a town dump.  Just trash.  Old discarded things no one wants anymore.  That is not the case.  This is where whole contents of homes are piled after they were plowed down the street like snow.  After the pictures are taken for documentation it is time to begin the clean up.  Removing all the contents of your home (including the walls)  I saw piles 8 feet high on the curb of furniture, carpets, drywall and hundreds of large black trash bags. 
A lifetime of memories washed away in one night.  No more wedding pictures or pics of your kids in each stage of growing older.  Your grandmoms favorite jewelry box, the first piece of furniture you bought as a married couple,  your dishes that you ate on everyday with your family,  your diaries you have kept since you were a teen. . . all gone.  Now just a memory. 
It is not easy for anyone to just throw away their things.  Things they spent years working and saving for.  Things they played with. Things they drove to work.  Things they slept on. Things the sat on during a family cook out.  Things. . . things. . . things. 
Tina a mom of 5 boys lost everything.  She owns her home.  Ran 2 businesses out of it to provide for her family.  Tina and her boys were carving pumpkins and baking cookies the day the storm hit.  Getting ready for trick or treating in their town.  They did evacuate before the storm when the water was getting close to their front door (3+ feet high)   They shared a crowded hotel room w one bed along with her sister and her kids.  They are homeless.  Tina doesn't know where they will live. 
I met Tina the second day I was in Union Beach.  I was so excited to see her again on Friday. She looked like a different person.  Her hair was not in a pony tail.  She appeared more relaxed.  Tina looked younger than the first day I met her.  Tina in a word is beautiful.  She came so her kids could volunteer in the pantry and use the internet to look for a place to live.  Tina said school was opening Monday.  That will give her time to regroup and find a place to live.  She said the teachers checked on her family to make sure they were ok after Sandy.  Backpacks will be provided to the kids (a welcome donation to the school.)  They lost library books in the storm (something you don't think about.)  Her boys love to read.  What an awesome gift Tina has given her kids - reading. 
When Tina and her kids find a home she is going to send me pictures of her home to share with everyone.  So we can all see first hand what is no longer.  That has all been pushed down the street - in a huge pile of things that once were.  Things that were hard earned. 
THINGS.  This town understands that they are just things.  They understand that things can be replaced  and that  memories can never be taken from you. 
Tina brought her camera with her to start new memories for her boys. She took pictures of them volunteering.  Helping rebuild their community.


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